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Crosstimbers Publications LLC

Crosstimbers Publications is a limited liability corporation organized under the statutes of the State of Oklahoma.

We primarily publish genre fiction, with a special emphasis on science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and horror. We also publish nonfiction articles related to these genres and to the craft of writing generally. Our signature periodical is Tales From the Crosstimbers, a quarterly online compilation of short fiction.

Our goals are to publish original fiction that will entertain and stimulate our readers; to provide a supportive venue for our authors; and to create a diverse and interactive community of readers, authors, and others interested in our genres and in the craft of writing.

We are have a particular interest in supporting regional authors from the general area of the Crosstimbers Forest, including southern Kansas, most of Oklahoma, and portions of westerm Arkansas and northern Texas. We are also interested in increasing the diversity of readers, authors. and content. Thus, authors who can bring their lived experience as members of under-represented groups to their fiction are especially invited to submit their works.

As a publisher, we carry out the operations necessary for producing and distributing books, magazines or other periodicals, such as gathering, writing, and editing articles and stories, and preparing advertisements. We may publish books, magazines or other periodicals in print or electronic form.

We do not sell products directly to consumers but instead maintain an online presence with third-party vendors such as Amazon.